The Worst Advice We've Ever Heard About Fashion - Articles at Home


Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Worst Advice We've Ever Heard About Fashion

The fashion world is vast, growing with every minute and its branches lie all over, right from blogging to designing. And the worst advice comes along like the withered leaves, messing up the fashion world. So, here is the worst fashion advice ever known.

You should choose clothes to suit other people

Nope. Who cares if they don't like what you're buying? We all come across people who tell you to put a dress straight down. Choose clothes to suit people, what are we, dolls or materialistic showpieces? Hell, no! Fashion is all about trying new styles and exploring your taste. So, go for the dress you were about to dump back in the lot, only if you are confident to carry it. 

Buy high-end fashion only

Utterly outdated advice commonly heard is, 'BUY EXPENSIVE CLOTHES, IT IS MORE FASHIONABLE.' An exaggerated version of comfort clothes is over-priced clothing lines. Many stores offer comfortable, trendy pieces that fit you well and are in the budget; fashion doesn't mean you bankrupt yourself. Be smart to choose the right dress within marginal rate yet take away all the limelight. Don't miss the chance of smirking over someone who rants about their expensive dress and boils as they spill wine all over it! 

Jelly shoes and socks look good

Jelly shoes are so out of trend; I wore them when I was 7.  Socks and sandals were disliked until suddenly they were a trend. But there isn't any compulsion to wear something you hate - only because it is a trend. Jelly sandals, on the other hand, are known to be painful, and the plastic allegedly has caused too many injuries to un-notice.

You should buy things in a smaller size to fit into when you lose weight 

Every person can dress gracefully and make the most of it. It isn't a wise decision to hide your beauty behind your weight or dress size. Pursue your desired goals if you aren't satisfied with your weight rather than wasting money and being worked up over self-embarrassment. Spend your money on the clothes for NO and save the rest to splurge more when you reach your goal.

Dress doesn't matter

"It doesn't matter what you wear, your internal beauty and your personality counts", is a commonly heard cliché dialogue with zero validation. The only truth to the statement is that you will surely feel more comfortable in your attire with high self-esteem. But, the first impression is the last impression and that my friend doesn't reflect out of your personality! Your dress is going to help you build character.

Black shoes go with everything

Clueless fashion advice! This advice is unrealistic because it ignores the fact that fashionable people love subtle colours. Black is indeed a versatile colour that pairs up with a lot of different attires, but, it is wrong on your part to expect one colour to fill every closet contingency. In the world full of beige and nude shades, if your wardrobe is black and grey, you need to upgrade. 

Large clothes make you look slim

I hate this advice because it is baseless. I had a lot of people telling me to follow the same, and it made me look like a cat in the attic! You are just going to look as if you've borrowed clothes from someone bigger than your size and shape. Know your size well and look for a better garment. 

If you're above 40, you absolutely cannot wear it.

This sounds so biased towards people who love clothes but restrict themselves because they're ageing. I have seen people who are 40 but look younger and fit, so this is a ridiculous idea. Ageing isn't an arbitrary deadline to get rid of clothes you cannot wear, your body is! If you are forty, don't hesitate to wear a short skirt or a bikini because some fool put into your head that you are old and it won't SUIT you.

Fashion goes for all genders and whatever we wear is our choice. Best way to get fashion deals is at dealvoucherz which can fits you perfect. Don't let these sleek advice feed on you. Dare to be bold and present the best in you! 

And, if you get any worst fashion advice let me know in the comment section below.

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