Vitamin K and its functions to prevent several conditions in the newborns - Articles at Home


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Vitamin K and its functions to prevent several conditions in the newborns

Vitamin and its function

Vitamin K is one of the main factors for blood clotting. The name “K” comes from the German word called “Koagulation” or coagulation in simple word. It is one of the factors which prevents any type of hemorrhagic condition of the body. Usage of vitamin K in the proven to be less toxic. The source of the vitamin K in the body is the bacteria present in the gut and also different food material present in our diet. Small injuries or cuts at times can be very much dangerous if vitamin K concentration and other blood clotting factors are not present in a proper condition. Some babies after their delivery might suffer from conditions like the hemorrhage or unnecessary bleeding. Thus Vitamin K vaccines for babies are proven to be very much effective to present those conditions. 

Vitamin K in Babies

The babies have a very low concentration of Vitamin K in their gut as compared to the adults.  This is because after the time of birth the guts microflora of the babies are not totally developed thus for this reason they suffer from different problems. On the other hand, during their stay in the mother’s womb, vitamin K from the mother’s body is unable to cross the placenta to reach the child. So with growth and exposure, Vitamin K concentration increases in the body. However, breast milk contains a very little amount of Vitamin K, which is why it is very important for every baby to have mother’s milk as it will protect the baby and also build its immune system.  

How to supplement the bay with Vitamin K?

To produce the vitamin K pool in the body, babies should be supplemented with the external source of a vitamin in their body. To supplement the baby with Vitamin K the most reliable and the easiest way is the injection method. Recently it has been the practice in every country where the babies at the time of their birth are supplemented with Vitamin K. One shot of vitamin K at the time of birth will be enough for the baby to secure them for several months. Apart from the injection shots, oral doses of the vitamin K are also very much present.  However, the stability of the material via the oral dose is highly questionable. 

Importance of the booster dose

For a having complete vitamin K vaccination, baby need have complete doses, including the booster doses. Generally, three doses are given. 

1st dose at the time of birth.
2nd dose at an interval of five days.
3rd dose, probably in the 4th week when the baby undergoes breast feeding.

Booster doses of the Vitamin K vaccines will help the full growth of the vitamin K pool in the gut of the baby and thus ability to clot the blood during emergency condition will be achieved eventually. 

Route of Administration

It can be given to all babies. However, the doses might differ with the growth condition of the baby. For some babies, they might face the problem of having vitamin K vaccine orally, resulting in vomiting. Thus the doctors usually prefer the injection method for administration of the vaccine.

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